Protecting Doctors and Dentists – Prof Dame Jane Elizabeth Dacre, DBE, MD, FRCP – President of Medical Protection Society Council and Chair of the Expert Panel for the cross-party Health and Social Care Committee at the House of Commons – 29 października 2023

Health Economics presented by Dr Filip Zemrak MD, PhD, FRCP, FESC, Consultant Cardiologist, Barts Health NHS Trust. Heart failure and adult congenital heart disease specialist. Darzi Fellow 2016-2017 Public Health presented by Professor (Dr) Julia Verne BSc, MBBS, MSc. PhD, FFPH, Deputy Director, Office for Health Improvement & Disparities at Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC). Public Health Medicine Consultant and National End of Life Care Intelligence Network founder.

24 wrzesień 2023

Advances in Functional Neurosurgery Neurostimulation for Movement, Pain and Psychiatric Disorders Dr Max Brzezicki, BMedSci (1st Hons) FNS MB ChB. Academic Junior Doctor in Neurosurgery and Rare Diseases,
Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford – 5 marzec 2023

Advances in cardio-thoracic transplantation – Dr Mr Bartłomiej Zych M.D. Ph.D. – Specialist in Cardiac Surgery at the Department of Cardio-Thoracic Transplantation & Organ Retrival at Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital in London – 18 wrzesień 2022

100 lat insuliny – Dr Agnieszka Falińska, Consultant in Diabetes, Endocrinology and Acute Medicine at Royal Surrey County Hospital – 20 marzec 2022

Molecular diagnostics in the context of COVID testing – Dr Jim Huggett, Senior Lecturer, Analytical Microbiology, University of Surrey – 21 listopada 2021

Niestety wykład Dr Huggett został usuniety z serwisu You Tube z powodu rzekomego informowania o nieprawdziwich faktach medycznych.

What does Covid mean for UK mental health care – Dr Andrew Molodynski, Consultant Psychiatrist Oxford, Deputy National Speciality Lead for Mental Health, NIHR CRN, National Mental Health Lead, British Medical Association Consultant Committee – 27 czerwca 2021

The Dynamics of COVID-19 transmission and control – Dr Adam Kucharski, MMath PhD – Associate Professor and Sir Henry Dale Fellow in the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine – 22 kwietnia 2021

Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna or nothing? COVID19 vaccinations in patients with allergies – Dr Joanna Julia Lukawska, MBBS, MRCP, PhD; Consultant in Adult Allergy Medicine, University College Hospital London – 26 marzec 2021

The road through Pain – Our experience. Droga przez Ból – Nasze doświadczenia – Dr Teodor Goroszeniuk, FFARCSI, FFPMCAI, DA, Former Consultant in Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, President London Pain Forum; Dr Andrzej Krol, MD, DEAA, FRCA, FFPMRCA, Consultant in Pain Medicine & AnaesthesiaSt George’s University Hospital – 28 luty 2021

Cancer Immunotherapy – are we closer to cure? – Dr Agnieszka Michael, PhD MRCP, Reader in Oncology and Consultant Medical Oncologist at University of Surrey and Royal Surrey County Hospital – 22 listopad 2020

Quo Vadis Surgery – Mr Tom Kurzawinski, Consultant Pancreatic and Endocrine Surgeon; University College Hospital, Royal Free Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital – 4 październik 2020

Open Focus Attention. Enhancing Mindfulness effects in chronic and acute pain management – Dr Tomasz Kopec; The Groves Medical Centre, New Malden, Surrey – 12 maj 2019

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – Profesor Wisia Wedzicha, MA MD FRCP FMedSci, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Head Respiratory Division, Imperial College London – 1 marzec 2020

Polish School of Medicine – Dr Maria Dlugolecka-Graham MBE, Coordinator for The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Medical School – 1 marzec 2020

Brexit and EU medics in UK – Professor Sir Terrence Stevenson – chairman of GMC – 29th April 2018